There is no way to experience the impact of this work, without wearing 3-D glasses. Every frame of the program is composed featuring depth perception; each has a separate left eye and right eye file. Viewers put on the 3D glasses and are transported in a visceral way.
TS3 / TIME SUITE 3 is the third in Zieman’s TIME SUITE series, which features animated type, literally words as light, projected on the human form. The new stereo optical technology allows the viewer to literally feel Word Art wrapping in 3d around the sculptural human form, like tattoos or a T-shirt slogans. Filmed in a dramatic NYC exterior location, where the shots naturally feature great spatial depth.
(Most 3-D productions, like movies, are 100% animation, for technical production reasons, it is rare to feature organic photography.)
Zieman used a prototype 3D camera with twin lenses; provided as a production grant from Panasonic. Lensing by Manfred Reiff, music by John Petersen.
© 2021 John Zieman, all rights reserved.